Hello everyone! Today is the last day of week one of planning, time is going by quickly (which is much expected), and I am making progress and researching. I have been postponing my idea while I brainstorm, and hoping to get ideas from research, today I watched some documentaries on Netflix which were not series of episodes, however, wanted to get inspired with some more structural ideas. However, I have realized that it is time to come to a decision. I have decided to film interviewees coming from Romania. I want to do this because I personally know a lot of Romanians that have immigrated to the United States. I have carefully chosen people that have different stories on how and why they moved to the US. I am so excited to get started, but before I do that, this second week of planning is going to be research research research, I need to research my target audience, and get statistics and more! I am still having trouble deciding what topic to focus on, what main question will I ask my interviewees, but I am sure with extensive research I will be able to find the perfect topic/question that will truly illustrate what it is like and the different experiences and what the "American Dream" really is, with the little time I have. This was my update for today, making progress, see you guys in the next blog!
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Planning goes on ...
Hey guys! So in today's blog I wanted to discuss some research I've been doing based on the suggestions I received from last class. I decided to watch a couple episodes from the docu-series on Netflix "Ugly Delicious", where David Chang goes around the world to try food and talk to the chefs and talk about the food and the different way people around the world make it. My classmates as well as myself decided this was a perfect series to watch because it is a good structure to follow for my piece. I have still been brainstorming what topic of the American Dream I want to focus on and portray in my extract, however, I am moving forward with filming ideas and even editing. I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but, watching "Ugly Delicious" gave me some ideas on adding animations and clipart to my piece. I am currently enrolled in Informational Technology A Level where I have been learning to create animations as well as clipart, which I can use to my advantage in my project. I have some ideas for animations like flying across the globe and clipart of passports. I know I promised a storyboard, but hey, can't rush the process, it's coming soon I can feel it! The more ideas I get flowing the more I can add to my storyboard. After watching these episodes I have gotten so many ideas for structure of my piece and how to make it flow, I want the story to be told through the answers of the interviewees and go back and forth between their stories. I know I have to be careful because this can be hard to do because it may cause confusion, but I love a challenge! These are my updates for now! See you guys tomorrow! Who knows what the new day will bring 😁
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Group Discussion
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Planning day one
Yesterday was officially my first day of planning as per my schedule from my last post. I have given myself 2 weeks of planning which I honestly believe will be more than enough time. I am currently working on my storyboard. It really helps me organize my thoughts and ideas, I usually follow it during production, however, I do seem to change things up while filming, because of course seeing it in real life is different and I come up with different ideas. To begin however, I need a storyboard! hehe so that is coming up next post! But enough about next post, this post I want to update you guys on planning day one. For planning day one I have chosen my interviewees :). They come from different parts of the world and each have there own story so I am beyond excited to work with them! There are 5. 😊 I have also started to come up with questions to ask, however, they are definitely not finalized. So this week I plan on getting my storyboard ready and questions finalized. These are my updates :). See you guys in the next post! Have a great day 😁👋
Sunday, February 21, 2021
The Sched. 😝
Hey everyone! Here's the schedule! I wanted to create a schedule that I knew I could stick to. Last year I spent a great deal planning, however, this year I feel that I came up with an idea quicker. I am extremely excited to begin and I feel that I gave myself enough time for everything. I divided my time into 3: planning, filming, and editing. Of course things may move around, but I will always update you guys. I have already been brainstorming and have a couple different approaches to this documentary and its structure. Be on the look out for my storyboard and more this week! I am beyond excited!
Friday, February 19, 2021
Media Portfolio 2.0
WELCOME BACK! I am so excited to start on this project. I want to dedicate todays blog to sharing my idea. I began brainstorming since the first day of class this year when we were provided with the choices. I wanted to do the Documentary because I love watching them and learning from them, but I kept my options open. Now I am certain Documentary is the choice for me. I thought to myself to chose a topic that I am familiar with and something meaningful to me. I have decided to create a documentary on the American Dream and immigration. I moved to the United States with my parents when I was young and I know many people who have done the same, I have even gathered my interviewees. I am so excited for this journey! Stay tuned for my next blog in which I will be posting my schedule! April 12 is the due date, time STARTS NOW! Have a great day! see you in the next blog! (I just found out you can add emojis) 😊💪
Critical Reflection
The documentary series, "Immigrants in America", is a series in which people from all over the world share their experience with...